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The Simplicity of Relationship

I was going to bed recently when I heard the Lord whisper to me, “Do you want to wake up early and dream with me?” I knew what He was asking, because I have this thing with God where He will wake me up for special times of prayer and seeking. Some of my strongest prophetic encounters have come in these moments. I told Him that I absolutely wanted to get up and dream with Him.

I love heaven’s invitation to rise up higher. There is great glory in pursuit. Invitations to hang out with God are invitations to soar into new heights. One of our great privileges as children of God is the ability and opportunity to seek Him, to spend time at His feet receiving from Him.

Seek the Lord and His strength; seek His face continually.

1 Chronicles 16:11

The next morning, I woke up from a sound sleep at 5:30 am. I was wide awake well before my alarm was scheduled to go off. I spent some good time worshipping, praying in the Spirit and pondering the ways of God. I was expecting a deep revelation of encounter because of the invitation that I received from the Lord. There were several little nuggets dropped in my spirit, but no big overwhelming “bam” kind of moment. I was surprised that nothing I deemed as “big” happened.

I was pondering the lack of big revelation or encounter when the Lord whispered to me, “I am teaching you the simplicity of relationship.” He reminded me of times when I have traveled and my absence from my wife becomes like an ache in my heart. My head ponders all the ways that I love her. I cannot wait to see her and to express my love for her. I rush to get home, taking the early flight because I am ready to see my beloved.

Many times when I get home from a strenuous itinerary, I don’t desire to go out or do anything elaborate. In fact, my time with her has very little to do with what we do in that time. It is the reality of just being near her that fills my heart with joy. The best moments are often the quiet moments: just the two of us being together, enjoying a laugh, watching a movie, talking or just relaxing. It has nothing to do with the actual plan or activity, but it is the reality of just being present. The Lord brought that before me and told me that it is in the simplicity of learning to be present. That is where the depths of His glory are revealed, in the longing, in the waiting, in the watching. It is in the simple moments of just being with Him.

I place high value on prophetic dreams, dramatic encounters and life-changing revelation. Those experiences have drastically shifted my life on many occasions. The truth is there are many moments in His presence that are equally powerful yet void of any “big” experience. It is the revelation of the simplicity of relationship that the Lord was revealing to me. Just as I long to be present and near my wife, He longs for us to be near to Him and enjoy His presence. His invitation to me was not one of a radical experience but one of nearness. He was inviting me to spend time with Him, to love on Him, to be loved by Him and to dream with Him.

He is inviting you to seek Him, to dream with Him! He is inviting you to discover the wonder of His presence, the reality of His voice and the simplicity of relationship.

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